What foods increase fertility in women?

Eating healthy foods helps women increase their fertility. Good nutrition keeps hormones in balance, supports regular periods, and makes eggs healthier. It also helps in maintaining a good weight, managing blood sugar, and reducing inflammation. Important vitamins and minerals from food are like superfuel for the reproductive system.
Following these dietary guidelines can be a smart way to increase the chances of getting pregnant, according to Dr. Apurva Maurya Deshpande.

Foods that boost fertility:

Boosting fertility can be helped by eating the right foods! Include nutrient-packed options like veggies, nuts, and whole grains in your diet for better hormone balance and reproductive health, increasing your chances for a healthy pregnancy.

Beans and lentils:

These legumes are not only high in fibre and protein but also rich in folic acid. Studies suggest that incorporating them into your diet can not only improve ovulation but also reduce the risk of ovulatory infertility. They serve as a wholesome source of nutrients crucial for conception and healthy embryonic development.

Sunflower Seeds:

Delightfully crunchy sunflower seeds are a powerhouse of fertility-boosting nutrients. Roasted, unsalted kernels provide a generous dose of vitamin E, essential for increasing sperm count and motility. Additionally, they are a rich source of zinc, folic acid, and selenium—a trio renowned for their positive effects on fertility.

Citrus Fruit:

Vibrant berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants and vitamin C. These nutrients play a vital role in supporting healthy fetal growth post-conception. Research indicates that women with a higher fruit intake have a significantly reduced chance of infertility.
Walnuts: Crunchy walnuts are a treasure trove of omega-3s and omega-6s, vital for maintaining healthy brain functions and hormone regulation. Research indicates that regular walnut consumption can lead to improved semen health, positively influencing motility, quantity, and morphology.

Egg Yolks:

Don’t overlook the golden richness of egg yolks. Beyond their flavorful contribution, yolks contain essential vitamin B, omega-3s, and folic acid. These nutrients play a crucial role in creating red blood cells and ensuring optimal embryonic development post-conception.

Full-fat dairy:

When aiming to conceive, incorporating full-fat dairy into your diet may be beneficial. Research suggests a link between full-fat dairy consumption and a reduced risk of ovulatory infertility in females, addressing issues related to egg production and release.
Full-fat dairy products are rich in essential vitamins, including A, E, and D. Additionally, cheeses, especially hard and raw milk varieties like Parmigiano-Reggiano, camembert, and asiago, contain elevated levels of polyamines, further supporting reproductive health. Consider including these dairy options as part of a balanced diet to potentially enhance fertility.


Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C. But they also contain lycopene, the phytochemical that gives many red fruits and vegetables their colour. Lycopene is known to improve sperm count and movement.
To get the most lycopene from your tomatoes, cook them. While the heat may decrease the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes, it boosts the lycopene content and the nutritional value.


Boost your chances of getting pregnant naturally by eating foods like beans, lentils, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, walnuts, egg yolks, full-fat dairy, and tomatoes. These foods provide important nutrients for ovulation, sperm health, and embryonic development. Including them in your diet can support better fertility. For personalized advice, consider consulting with Dr. Apurva Maurya Deshpande, a trusted female fertility doctor in Baramati.

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